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 PIERS 2019 in Rome
[EM Wave]

PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium
also Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 

PIERS 2019 in Rome, Italy, 17 - 20 June, 2019

PIERS 2019 in Rome Preliminary Program

Search Paper by Title, Key, or Author:
Search Matches: 33 Sessions, 42 Papers | Back to Program

 1A15_FocusSession.SC5: Modeling in Remote Sensing 1
   Organized by Joel T. Johnson and Nazzareno Pierdicca
   Chaired by Davide Comite and Shanka N. Wijesundara
2019-06-17 AM
1 - 1st Floor
Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil, Vegetation and Ocean Using Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations [Keynote]
 • Leung Tsang (University of Michigan), Jiyue Zhu (University of Michigan), Yanlei Du (Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences), and Huanting Huang (University of Michigan)
 1A6SC1&SC4: Progress in Broadband and UWB Printed and Dielectric Antennas for Wireless Applications 1
   Organized by Renato Cicchetti and Antonio Faraone
   Chaired by Renato Cicchetti and Antonio Faraone
2019-06-17 AM
Cloister Hall - 1st Floor
High-gain V-band Dielectric Lens Antenna for Communication and Direction Finding Systems [Keynote]
 ***, Alan Salari (University of Cologne), Amin Darvazehban (University of Queensland), and Danilo Erricolo (University of Illinois at Chicago)
 1A_122_FocusSession.SC2: Hybrid and Plasmonic Metastructures 1
   Organized by Roberto Caputo and Antonio De Luca
   Chaired by Roberto Caputo
2019-06-17 AM
21 - 2nd Floor
Photonics of Hybrid Nanostructures and Bio-assemblies: Coherent Transfer of Plasmons, Hot Electrons and Chirality [Keynote]
 • Alexander O. Govorov (Ohio University) and Lucas V. Besteiro (Ohio University)
 1A_143_FocusSession.SC3: Nanophotonics 1
   Organized by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
   Chaired by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
2019-06-17 AM
24 - 2nd Floor
Waves, Modes, and Nanophotonics [Keynote]
 • David A. B. Miller (Stanford University)
Progress on Neuromorphic Silicon Photonics [Keynote]
 • Paul R. Prucnal (Princeton University), Alexander N. Tait (NIST), ***, Thomas Ferreira De Lima (Princeton University), Hsuan-Tung Peng (Princeton University), and Bhavin J. Shastri (Queen's University)
 1A_153_FocusSession.SC3: Photosensitive Materials and Devices for Opto-mechanical Applications 1
   Organized by Atsushi Shishido and Marina Saphiannikova
   Chaired by Marina Saphiannikova and Takahiro Seki
2019-06-17 AM
25 - 2nd Floor
Towards Autonomous, Adaptive, and (Re)programmable Photomechanical Actuators [Keynote]
 • Arri Priimagi (Tampere University of Technology)
 1A_17SC1&SC4: Localized Waves: Science and Applications 1
   Organized by Mauro Ettorre and Walter Fuscaldo
   Chaired by Mauro Ettorre and Walter Fuscaldo
2019-06-17 AM
33 - Bank Building
Quantum and Classical X-waves with Angular Momentum [Keynote]
 • Marco Ornigotti (Institut fur Physik, Universitat Rostock), Alexander Szameit (University of Rostock), and Claudio Conti (University Sapienza)
 1P_143_FocusSession.SC3: Nanophotonics 2
   Organized by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
   Chaired by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
2019-06-17 PM
24 - 2nd Floor
Parity-time and Other Symmetries in Optics and Photonics [Keynote]
 • Demetrios N. Christodoulides (University of Central Florida)
Polariton Meta-optics with Phase-change Materials [Keynote]
 • Federico Capasso (Harvard University), Michele Tamagnone (Harvard University), ***, Xinghui Yin (Harvard University), Christina Spagele (Harvard University), Jiahan Li (Kansas State University), ***, ***, Luis A. Jauregui (Harvard University), Philip Kim (Harvard University), James H. Edgar (Kansas State University), and Antonio Ambrosio (Harvard University)
 1P_153_FocusSession.SC3: Photosensitive Materials and Devices for Opto-mechanical Applications 2
   Organized by Atsushi Shishido and Marina Saphiannikova
   Chaired by Atsushi Shishido and Seungwoo Lee
2019-06-17 PM
25 - 2nd Floor
Photoalignment and Surface Morphing Attained from the Free Surface [Keynote]
 • Takahiro Seki (Nagoya University)
 1P_162_FocusSession.SC2: Thermoplasmonics and Photo-thermal Applications 1
   Organized by Alessandro Alabastri and Remo Proietti Zaccaria
   Chaired by Remo Proietti Zaccaria and Alessandro Alabastri
2019-06-17 PM
15 - 2nd Floor
Thermal Phonon Transport and Coherent Interference in Nanomaterials and Metamaterials [Keynote]
 • Martin Maldovan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Quantitative Phase Imaging for Thermoplasmonics [Keynote]
 • Guillaume Baffou (Aix Marseille University)
 1P_17bSC1&SC4: Localized Waves: Science and Applications 2
   Organized by Mauro Ettorre and Walter Fuscaldo
   Chaired by Mauro Ettorre and Walter Fuscaldo
2019-06-17 PM
33 - Bank Building
Investigation of Fractional Cylindrical Bessel Beams [Keynote]
 • Oscar V. Cespedes (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal) and Christophe Caloz (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
 2A61_FocusSession.SC1&SC2&SC4: Leaky Waves in Electromagnetics 1
   Organized by Paolo Baccarelli, Paolo Burghignoli, Alessandro Galli, and Paolo Lampariello
   Chaired by Paolo Lampariello and Alessandro Galli
2019-06-18 AM
Cloister Hall - 1st Floor
The Role of Leaky Waves in the Beamforming of 2-D Leaky-wave Antennas [Keynote]
 • David Richard Jackson (University of Houston), Filippo Capolino (University of California-Irvine), Sohini Sengupta (Energous Corporation), Ahmad T. Almutawa (University of California), Hamidreza Kazemi (University of California), Paolo Burghignoli (Sapienza University of Rome), and Giampiero Lovat (University of Roma "La Sapienza")
 2A_103_FocusSession.SC3: Nonlinear Optics at the Nanoscale 1
   Organized by Costantino De Angelis and Michele Celebrano
   Chaired by Costantino De Angelis and Michele Celebrano
2019-06-18 AM
12 - Mezzanine
Taming Ultrafast Nonlinear Response of Plasmonic Nanostructures [Keynote]
 • Luke H. Nicholls (King's College London), Francisco J. Rodríguez Fortuño (King's College London), Alexey V. Krasavin (King's College London), Gregory A. Wurtz (King's College London), and Anatoly V. Zayats (King's College London)
 2A_12a2_FocusSession.SC2: Hybrid and Plasmonic Metastructures 2
   Organized by Roberto Caputo and Antonio De Luca
   Chaired by Roberto Caputo
2019-06-18 AM
21 - 2nd Floor
Multifunctional Flat Optics [Keynote]
 • Federico Capasso (Harvard University)
 2A_133_FocusSession.SC3: Advanced Optofluidics: Where Photonics Meets Microfluidics and Life Science 1
   Organized by Francesco Simoni and Luigino Criante
   Chaired by Francesco Simoni and Luigino Criante
2019-06-18 AM
22 - 2nd Floor
Optical Tweezers Comes of Age: New Studies in Liquid, Air and Vacuum [Keynote]
 • Kishan Dholakia (University of St Andrews)
 2A_143_FocusSession.SC3: Advanced Photonic Technologies for Spectroscopic Applications 1
   Organized by Wei Dong Chen, Vincenzo Spagnolo, and Ulrike Willer
   Chaired by Wei Dong Chen, Vincenzo Spagnolo, and Ulrike Willer
2019-06-18 AM
24 - 2nd Floor
Quantum Cascade Lasers and Frequency Combs [Keynote]
 • Jerome Faist (ETH Zurich)
 2A_163_PIER_Special_Issue_Session: Organic and Perovskite Optoelectronics 2
   Organized by Wallace C. H. Choy and Tae-Woo Lee
   Chaired by Wallace C. H. Choy and Tae-Woo Lee
2019-06-18 AM
15 - 2nd Floor
The Photophysics of the Disruptive Perovskites [Keynote]
 • Tze Chien Sum (Nanyang Technological University)
 2P61_FocusSession.SC1&SC2&SC4: Leaky Waves in Electromagnetics 2
   Organized by Paolo Baccarelli, Paolo Burghignoli, Alessandro Galli, and Paolo Lampariello
   Chaired by Paolo Baccarelli and Paolo Burghignoli
2019-06-18 PM
Cloister Hall - 1st Floor
Leakage from Metasurfaces: From Basic Theory to Antenna Applications [Keynote]
 • Stefano Maci (University of Siena)
Exotic Leaky-wave Phenomena in Meta-structures [Keynote]
 • Andrea Alù (The City University of New York)
 2P_103_FocusSession.SC3: Nonlinear Optics at the Nanoscale 2
   Organized by Costantino De Angelis and Michele Celebrano
   Chaired by Costantino De Angelis and Michele Celebrano
2019-06-18 PM
12 - Mezzanine
Enhancing Ultrafast Nonlinearities with Dielectric Nanocavities [Keynote]
 • Stefan A. Maier (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
 2P_122_FocusSession.SC2: Thermoplasmonics and Photo-thermal Applications 2
   Organized by Alessandro Alabastri and Remo Proietti Zaccaria
   Chaired by Remo Proietti Zaccaria and Alessandro Alabastri
2019-06-18 PM
21 - 2nd Floor
Releasable Micro-waveplates [Keynote]
 ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, Junko Morikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology), and Saulius Juodkazis (Swinburne University of Technology)
 2P_133_FocusSession.SC3: Optical Fibers for High Power Applications
   Organized by Stefano Selleri and Jesper Lægsgaard
   Chaired by Stefano Selleri and Jesper Lægsgaard
2019-06-18 PM
22 - 2nd Floor
Fundamental Power Scaling Limits in High Power Fibre Lasers and Amplifiers [Keynote]
 • Michalis N. Zervas (University of Southampton)
Review on Fully-Aperiodic Large-pitch-fiber for High Average/Peak Power Operation: Concept and Last Experimental Results [Keynote]
 ***, Marie-Alicia Malleville (University of Limoges), Baptiste Leconte (University of Limoges), Romain Dauliat (University of Limoges), Anka Schwuchow (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology), Katrin Wondraczek (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology), ***, and Raphael Jamier (University of Limoges)
 2P_143_FocusSession.SC3: Nanophotonics 3
   Organized by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
   Chaired by Yeshaiahu Shaya Fainman and Newton C. Frateschi
2019-06-18 PM
24 - 2nd Floor
Epsilon (and mu) Near Zero Materials --- Photonics on Steroids? [Keynote]
 • Jacob B. Khurgin (Johns Hopkins University)
 2P_163_FocusSession.SC3: Organic Photonics for Optical Interconnections and Switching
   Organized by Antonio D'Alessandro and Rita Asquini
   Chaired by Antonio D'Alessandro and Rita Asquini
2019-06-18 PM
15 - 2nd Floor
Liquid Crystalline Photonic Crystals for Ultrafast (pico-femtoseconds) All-optical Self-action Processes [Keynote]
 • Iam-Choon Khoo (Pennsylvania State University) and Chun-Wei Chen (Pennsylvania State University)
 3A7SC3: Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics: Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Nonlinear Applications 1
   Organized by Zhiwen Liu and Michelle Y. Sander
   Chaired by Michelle Y. Sander
2019-06-19 AM
17 - 1st Floor
Gain-managed Nonlinear Fiber Amplification [Keynote]
 • Pavel Sidorenko (Cornell University) and Frank Wise (Cornell University)
 3A82D Materials and Optoelectronic Devices
   Organized by Guangcun Shan
   Chaired by Guangcun Shan
2019-06-19 AM
6 - Mezzanine
Perovskite Solar Cells with 2D Materials [Keynote]
 • Aldo Di Carlo (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Antonio Agresti (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Sara Pescetelli (University of Rome Tor Vergata), ***, Hanna Pazniak (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS), ***, and Danila Saranin (National University of Science and Technology NUST-MISIS)
Plasmonics in Two-dimensional Crystals [Keynote]
 • F. Javier García de Abajo (ICFO --- Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology)
Electronic and Optical Properties of Few-layer Films of 2D Semiconductors [Keynote]
 • Vladimir Fal'ko (University of Manchester)
 3A93_FocusSession.SC3: Multimode Nonlinear Optical Fibers 1
   Organized by Stefan Wabnitz and Demetri Psaltis
   Chaired by Stefan Wabnitz and Demetri Psaltis
2019-06-19 AM
4 - Mezzanine
Imaging with Multimode Fibers [Keynote]
 • Demetri Psaltis (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL))
Complex Optical Pulse Shaping in Nonlinear Multimode Optical Fibers [Keynote]
 • Alessandro Tonello (Universite de Limoges), Vincent Couderc (University of Limoges), ***, Guy Millot (Universite de Bourgogne), Daniele Modotto (Universita degli Studi di Brescia), Evgeny V. Podivilov (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences), Denis S. Kharenko (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, SB, RAS), Sergey A. Babin (Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS), and Stefan Wabnitz (Sapienza University of Rome)
 3P7aSC3: Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics: Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Nonlinear Applications 2
   Organized by Zhiwen Liu and Michelle Y. Sander
   Chaired by Michelle Y. Sander
2019-06-19 PM
17 - 1st Floor
Recent Developments in Ultrashort-laser-pulse Measurement, Including a 100% Reliable FROG Algorithm [Keynote]
 ***, ***, Zhe Guang (Georgia Institute of Technology), ***, and Rick Trebino (Georgia Institute of Technology)
 3P_10SC3: Label-free Optical Nanobiosensors for Bio-diagnostics, Environmental Monitoring and Food Safety
   Organized by Lucia Petti
   Chaired by Lucia Petti and Riccardo Castagna
2019-06-19 PM
12 - Mezzanine
Raman Nanosensors by Design: Photonic-plasmonic Enhanced Ultra-sensitivity, Tunable Biorelease, and Accelerated Detection via Motorization [Keynote]
 • Donglei (Emma) Fan (University of Texas at Austin)
Nanophotonic Metasurfaces for Label-free Biosensing [Keynote]
 • Hatice Altug (Institute of Bioengineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
 3P_122_FocusSession.SC2: Advanced Metasurface Designs and Devices 2
   Organized by Tao Li and Yun Lai
   Chaired by Tao Li and Yun Lai
2019-06-19 PM
21 - 2nd Floor
Metasurfaces for Controlling Terahertz Waves [Keynote]
 • Lei Zhou (Fudan University)
 3P_133_FocusSession.SC3: Advanced Optofluidics: Where Photonics Meets Microfluidics and Life Science 2
   Organized by Francesco Simoni and Luigino Criante
   Chaired by Francesco Simoni and Luigino Criante
2019-06-19 PM
22 - 2nd Floor
Femtosecond Laser 3D Processing for Functional Biochip Fabrication [Keynote]
 • Koji Sugioka (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute)
 4A15_FocusSession.SC5: Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Propagation 1
   Organized by Frank Silvio Marzano and Domenico Cimini
   Chaired by Frank Silvio Marzano and Domenico Cimini
2019-06-20 AM
1 - 1st Floor
ESA Activities on Modelling and Analyses of the Atmospheric Radio Channel for Space Systems [Keynote]
 • Antonio Martellucci (European Space Agency)
 4P15_FocusSession.SC5: Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Propagation 2
   Organized by Frank Silvio Marzano and Domenico Cimini
   Chaired by Frank Silvio Marzano and Domenico Cimini
2019-06-20 PM
1 - 1st Floor
Global Observations from a Well-calibrated Passive Microwave Atmospheric Sounding Radiometer on a CubeSat: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D) 6U CubeSat Mission [Keynote]
 • Steven C. Reising (Colorado State University), Todd C. Gaier (California Institute of Technology), Shannon T. Brown (California Institute of Technology), Sharmila Padmanabhan (California Institute of Technology), Boon H. Lim (California Institute of Technology), Cate Heneghan (California Institute of Technology), Christian D. Kummerow (Colorado State University), V. Chandrasekar (Colorado State University), Wesley K. Berg (Colorado State University), Richard Schulte (Colorado State University), Chandrasekar Radhakrishnan (Colorado State University), Matthew Pallas (Blue Canyon Technologies), Doug Laczkowski (Blue Canyon Technologies), and Austin Bullard (Blue Canyon Technologies)
 4P_12SC2: Topological Features of Metamaterials and Non-Hermitian Systems: From Microwave to NIR
   Organized by Jian-Wen Dong and Wenjie Chen
   Chaired by Wenjie Chen
2019-06-20 PM
21 - 2nd Floor
Topological LC Circuit [Keynote]
 • Xiao Hu (National Institute for Materials Science)
 4P_13SC3: Photonic Sensing in Health Science and Environmental Monitoring
   Organized by Luigi Zeni and Marco Consales
   Chaired by Luigi Zeni and Marco Consales
2019-06-20 PM
22 - 2nd Floor
Glass-based Optical Metasurfaces and Multi-material Fibers for Sensing and Monitoring [Keynote]
 • Bastien Schyrr (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Tapajyoti Das Gupta (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Louis Martin-Monier (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Wei Yan (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Dang Tung Nguyen (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Alexis Gerald Page (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Yunpeng Qu (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), and Fabien Sorin (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Table Generation took 0.5166 s

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