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PIERS 2015 in Prague
[EM Wave]

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 

PIERS 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic, 06-09 July, 2015

PIERS 2015 in Prague Advance Program

Search Paper by Title, Key, or Author:
Search Matches: 26 Sessions, 37 Papers | Back to Program

 1A43_FocusSession.SC3: Numerical Modeling of Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Transparent Materials: Micro/nanomodification, Part 1
   Organized by Nadezhda M. Bulgakova, Vladimir P. Zhukov, and Tomas Mocek
   Chaired by Leonid V. Zhigilei and Nadezhda M. Bulgakova
2015-07-06 AM
Nonlinear Energy Deposition into Aqueous Media by Tightly Focused Laser Pulses: Tracking of Free-electron Density, Temperature Evolution, and Hydrodynamic Phenomena in a Large Range of Laser Pulse Durations and Wavelengths [Keynote]
 • Alfred Vogel (University of Lubeck, Germany), Xiao-Xuan Liang (University of Lubeck, Germany), Sebastian Freidank (University of Lubeck, Germany), and Norbert Linz (University of Lubeck, Germany)
Laser Energy Deposition in Glasses with Bessel Beams [Keynote]
 • Arnaud Couairon (Ecole Polytechnique, France), V. Jukna (Ecole Polytechnique, France), ***, Ottavia Jedrkiewicz (CNR and CNISM UdR Com, Italy), M. Selva (University of Insubria and CNISM UdR Como, Italy), M. Lamperti (University of Insubria and CNISM UdR Como, Italy), Paolo Di Trapani (University of Insubria and CNISM UdR Como, Italy), ***, Razvan Stoian (Université de Lyon, Université Jean Monnet, France), Tatiana E. Itina (University of Lyon and ITMO University (St Petersbourg), France), C. Xie (Institut FEMTO-ST, CNRS and University of Bourgogne Franche-Comte, France), Jinggui Zhang (Hunan First Normal University, China), John M. Dudley (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté CNRS UMR 6174, France), and Francois Courvoisier (Universite de Franche-Comte, France)
 1A_103_FocusSession.SC3: Advances in Optical Networking
   Organized by Jiajia Chen and Ming Xia
   Chaired by Jiajia Chen
2015-07-06 AM
Advancements in Next Generation Broadband Optical Access Networks [Keynote]
 • Cedric F. Lam (Google, USA)
 1A_111_FocusSession.SC1: Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer 1
   Organized by Mauro Antezza and Brahim Guizal
   Chaired by Mauro Antezza and Brahim Guizal
2015-07-06 AM
Experimental Study of Near-field Radiative Heat Transport [Keynote]
 • B. Song (University of Michigan, USA), ***, Y. Ganjeh (University of Michigan, USA), S. Sadat (University of Michigan, USA), ***, W. Jeong (University of Michigan, USA), D. R. Thompson (University of Michigan, USA), A. R. Fiorino (University of Michigan, USA), ***, Johannes Feist (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), Juan Carlos Cuevas (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), Pramod Reddy (University of Michigan, USA), and Edgar Meyhofer (University of Michigan, USA)
Weak Thermal Contact is Not Universal for Work Extraction [Keynote]
 ***, ***, and Jens Eisert (Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany)
 1A_133_FocusSession.SC3: Solid-state Quantum Photonics 1
   Organized by Luca Sapienza and Jin Liu
   Chaired by Luca Sapienza
2015-07-06 AM
Decoherence of Semiconductor Quantum Dots Coupled to Micro and Nanocavities [Keynote]
 • Jesper Mork (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), Dara McCutcheon (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), Anders Nysteen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), and Niels Gregersen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
High-performance Single-quantum Dot Nanophotonic Devices through Photoluminescence Imaging [Keynote]
 • Kartik Srinivasan (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA), Marcelo Davanco (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA), Antonio Badolato (University of Rochester, USA), and Luca Sapienza (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
 1A_142_FocusSession.SC2: PT Symmetry, Reciprocity, Nonlinear Phenomena
   Organized by Kin Hung Fung and Zheng Wang
   Chaired by Kin Hung Fung
2015-07-06 AM
Whispering-gallery-mode Optical Resonators around an Exceptional Point [Keynote]
 • B. Peng (Washington University, USA), Sahin Kaya Ozdemir (The Pennsylvania State University, USA), Stefan Rotter (Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria), H. Yilmaz (Washington University, USA), M. Liertzer (Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria), Faraz Monifi (Washington University in St. Louis, USA), C. M. Bender (Washington University, USA), Franco Nori (University of Michigan, USA), and Lan Yang (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
 1P12_FocusSession.SC2: Nonlocal and Spatially Dispersive Electromagnetic Media
   Organized by Yun Lai and Zhi Hong Hang
   Chaired by Yun Lai and Zhi Hong Hang
2015-07-06 PM
Nanophotonics in Material-systems of Large Sizes [Keynote]
 • Marin Soljačić (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Nonlocal Effective Medium Theory and Its Relation with Zak Phase in Two-dimensional Photonic Crystals [Keynote]
 • Meng Xiao (Wuhan University, China), Xueqin Huang (South China University of Technology, China), Anan Fang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China), Zhao-Qing Zhang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China), and Che Ting Chan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
 1P2SC3: Nanoscale Platforms for Molecular Sensing
   Organized by Hyuck Choo and Monika Fleischer
   Chaired by Hyuck Choo and Monika Fleischer
2015-07-06 PM
Recent Progress in Nanoscale Sensing Using Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering [Keynote]
 • Kenneth B. Crozier (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Hot Spots of Plasmonic Nanostructures and Their Spectroscopic Potential for Molecular Probing at the Nanoscale and at the Single Molecule Level [Keynote]
 ***, Harald Kneipp (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), and Janina Kneipp (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Germany)
 1P35_FocusSession.SC5: Imaging, Inverse Scattering and Remote Sensing 2
   Organized by Xiuzhu Ye and Xudong Chen
   Chaired by Qing Huo Liu and Xiuzhu Ye
2015-07-06 PM
Source Reconstruction from Near- and Far-field Data with Antenna and Radome Applications [Keynote]
 • Mats Gustafsson (Lund University, Sweden)
Reconstruction of 3D Anisotropic Magnetodielectric Objects with the Mixed Order BCGS-FFT and DBIM [Keynote]
 *** and Qing Huo Liu (Eastern Institute of Technology, China)
 1P_111_FocusSession.SC1: Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer 2
   Organized by Mauro Antezza and Brahim Guizal
   Chaired by Mauro Antezza and Brahim Guizal
2015-07-06 PM
Probing the Surface with Atoms [Keynote]
 1P_14aSC3: Silicon Photonic Integration and Devices for Optical Communications and Interconnects
   Organized by Lin Yang and Hon Ki Tsang
   Chaired by Lin Yang and Hon Ki Tsang
2015-07-06 PM
Quantum Dot Lasers for Silicon Photonics [keynote]
 • Yasuhiko Arakawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
 1P_14b3_FocusSession.SC3: Nonlinear Optics: Novel Phenomena, Materials and Applications 1
   Organized by Gaetano Assanto and Goëry Genty
   Chaired by Gaetano Assanto and Goëry Genty
2015-07-06 PM
Photonic Topological Insulators [Keynote]
 • Mordechai (Moti) Segev (Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Mikael C. Rechtsman (Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Yonatan Plotnik (Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Yaakov Lumer (Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Miguel A. Bandres (Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Julia M. Zeuner (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, Germany), and ***
 2A23_FocusSession.SC3: Optical Properties of Resonant Dielectric and Plasmonic Nanostructures 1
   Organized by Isabelle Staude and Dragomir N. Neshev
   Chaired by Isabelle Staude and Manuel Decker
2015-07-07 AM
Refractory Plasmonics for Harsh Environment [Keynote]
 ***, ***, ***, Alexander V. Kildishev (Purdue University, USA), Alexandra Boltasseva (Purdue University, USA), and Vladimir M. Shalaev (Purdue University, USA)
 2A_143_FocusSession.SC3: Nonlinear Optics: Novel Phenomena, Materials and Applications 2
   Organized by Gaetano Assanto and Goëry Genty
   Chaired by Gaetano Assanto
2015-07-07 AM
Playing Billiard in Laser Micro-cavities: A Test-bed for Semi-classical Physics [Keynote]
 • Joseph Zyss (LPQM-Ecole Normale Superieurede Cachan, France), Clement Lafargue (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France), ***, and Melanie Lebental (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France)
Liquid Crystals for Nonlinear Optics with Femtoseconds --- CW Lasers [Keynote]
 • Iam-Choon Khoo (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
 2P12_FocusSession.SC2: Planar Optics Based on Metasurfaces 2
   Organized by Yongmin Liu and Shuang Zhang
   Chaired by Shuang Zhang and Shulin Sun
2015-07-07 PM
Metasurfaces' Solutions for Polarization Spectroscopy, Optical Activity, Colored Phase Holograms and Compact Nano-cavities [Keynote]
 • Vladimir M. Shalaev (Purdue University, USA), ***, Jingjing Liu (Purdue University, USA), Sajid Choudhury (Purdue University, USA), Alexandra Boltasseva (Purdue University, USA), and Alexander V. Kildishev (Purdue University, USA)
 2P2b2_FocusSession.SC2: Plasmonic Nanolasing
   Organized by Ortwin Hess
   Chaired by Ortwin Hess
2015-07-07 PM
Plasmonic Stopped-light Nanolasing [Keynote]
 • Ortwin Hess (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
 2P42_FocusSession.SC2&3: Scalable and Hierarchical Nanofabrication for Deep Sub-wavelength Nanophotonics
   Organized by Junsuk Rho and Laura Na Liu
   Chaired by Junsuk Rho
2015-07-07 PM
Quantum-dot Plasmonics [Keynote]
 • David J. Norris (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
DNA-based Functional Plasmonic Particle Assemblies [Keynote]
 • Tim Liedl (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany)
 2P8b3_FocusSession.SC3&4: Microwave Photonics for Wireless Spectrum Management 1
   Organized by David Marpaung and Maurizio Burla
   Chaired by David Marpaung and Maurizio Burla
2015-07-07 PM
The Path towards 100 Gbit/s Wireless Communications [Keynote]
 • Juerg Leuthold (Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF), ETH Zurich, Switzerland), ***, ***, ***, ***, C. Hoessbacher (Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF), ETH Zurich, Switzerland), ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, and Christian Valentin Hafner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
 3A43_FocusSession.SC3: Numerical Modeling of Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Transparent Materials: Micro/nanomodification, Part 2
   Organized by Nadezhda M. Bulgakova, Vladimir P. Zhukov, and Tomas Mocek
   Chaired by Jeremy R. Gulley and Sergey I. Kudryashov
2015-07-08 AM
Computer Modeling of Material Modification by Short Laser Pulses and Optically-induced Surface Acoustic Waves [Keynote]
 • Leonid V. Zhigilei (University of Virginia, USA), Chengping Wu (University of Virginia, USA), Maxim V. Shugaev (University of Virginia, USA), and ***
 3A7aSC3: Non-reciprocal and Topological Features in Photonic Systems
   Organized by Mohammad Hafezi and Sebastian Hofferberth
   Chaired by Mohammad Hafezi
2015-07-08 AM
Chiral Interaction of Light and Matter in Confined Geometries [Keynote]
 • Arno Rauschenbeutel (Vienna University of Technology, Germany)
 3A7bSC3: Strong Light-matter Coupling and Strongly Interacting Photons 1
   Organized by Mohammad Hafezi and Sebastian Hofferberth
   Chaired by Mohammad Hafezi
2015-07-08 AM
Single Molecules Coherently Coupled to a Dielectric Nanoguide [Keynote]
 • Vahid Sandoghdar (Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Germany)
 3A8b3_FocusSession.SC3&4: Microwave Photonics for Wireless Spectrum Management 2
   Organized by David Marpaung and Maurizio Burla
   Chaired by David Marpaung and Maurizio Burla
2015-07-08 AM
Software-defined Integrated Microwave Photonics for Radio Access Networks [Keynote]
 ***, Ivana Gasulla Mestre (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain), and Jose Capmany Francoy (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
 3A_11SC1: Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics and Applications 1
   Organized by Yoichi Okuno and Tsuneki Yamasaki
   Chaired by Yoichi Okuno and Akira Komiyama
2015-07-08 AM
Sesquicentennial Year of Maxwell's Equations and Computational Electromagnetics [Keynote]
 • Weng Cho Chew (Purdue University, USA)
 3A_133_FocusSession.SC3&2: Disordered Photonics 1
   Organized by Pedro David Garcia
   Chaired by Riccardo Sapienza
2015-07-08 AM
Random Optical Media for Third Generation Photovoltaics [Keynote]
 • Hernan Miguez Garcia (Spanish National Research Council, Spain)
Innovative Materials and Methods for Disorder Photonics [Keynote]
 • Alvaro Blanco (Instituto de Ciencia de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid ICMM-CSIC, Spain) and Ceferino Lopez Fernandez (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Spain)
 3P12_FocusSession.SC2: Transformation Optics
   Organized by Hongsheng Chen and Yu Luo
   Chaired by Hongsheng Chen and Yu Luo
2015-07-08 PM
Metamaterials and Transformation Optics for Single-photon Emitters [Keynote]
 • Vladimir M. Shalaev (Purdue University, USA), M. Y. Shalaginov (Purdue University, USA), N. Kinsey (Purdue University, USA), ***, M. Ferrera (Purdue University, USA), Alexander V. Kildishev (Purdue University, USA), and Alexandra Boltasseva (Purdue University, USA)
Passive and Active Devices for Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons in the Microwave Frequency [Keynote]
 • Tie Jun Cui (Southeast University, China)
 3P23_FocusSession.SC3: Optical Properties of Resonant Dielectric and Plasmonic Nanostructures 2
   Organized by Isabelle Staude and Dragomir N. Neshev
   Chaired by Isabelle Staude and Rupert Francis Oulton
2015-07-08 PM
Optimum Forward Light Scattering with High Refractive Index Nanoparticles [Keynote]
 • Boris S. Luk'yanchuk (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore), Nikolai V. Voshchinnikov (St Petersburg University, Russia), ***, and Arseniy I. Kuznetsov (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore)
 3P_11SC2&3: Optoelectronics and Photonics of Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials
   Organized by Giulio Cerullo and Costantino De Angelis
   Chaired by Costantino De Angelis
2015-07-08 PM
Graphene Photonics and Optoelectronics [Keynote]
 • Andrea C. Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK)
Graphene Nanophotonics [Keynote]
 • F. Javier García de Abajo (ICFO --- Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Spain)
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