[EM Wave]

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 

PIERS 2018 in Toyama, Japan, 1-4 August, 2018

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List of Confirmed Keynote Speakers
List of date/time of keynote talks

Guillermo Carpintero del Barrio
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Paper Title: Photonic Integrated Circuits for Ultrawide Frequency Range Generation, from Microwaves to Terahertz
Organized by: Prof. Tadao Nagatsuma, and Prof. Guillaume Ducournau
Focus Session Title: Recent Advances in Devices and System Technologies for Terahertz Wireless Communications

Pierre Berini
University of Ottawa, Canada
Paper title: Surface Plasmon Amplifiers and Lasers
Organized by: Prof. Ren-Min Ma and Prof. Qing Zhang
Focus Session Title: Advances in Nanolasers

Ho Bun Chan
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Paper Title:
Organized by: Prof. Mauro Antezza and Prof. Brahim Guizal
Focus Session Title: Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer

Brian T. Cunningham
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paper Title: Hybrid dielectric resonator + nanoantenna systems: Principles, detection instruments, and applications in digital resolution biosensing
Organized by: Prof. Chia Chen Hsu
Focal Session Title: Photonic Nanostructures for Enhancing Light-Matter Interaction

F. J. Garcia de Abajo
ICFO Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterranean Technology Park
Paper Title:
Organized by: Prof. George W. Hanson and Prof. Mauro Antezza
Focus Session Title: Quantum Optics with Topological Materials

Shaya Fainman
University of California, USA
Paper Title: Nanophotonic Light Emitters
Organized by: Prof. I. C. Khoo
Focus Session Title: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Application

Minoru Fujishima
Hiroshima University, Japan
Paper Title: 300-GHz-band Communication Using Silicon CMOS Integrated Circuits
Organized by: Prof. Tadao Nagatsuma, and Prof. Guillaume Ducournau
Focus Session Title: Recent Advances in Devices and System Technologies for Terahertz Wireless Communications

Xiao Hu
National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
Paper Title: Topological Electromagnetics with Time-reversal Symmetry
Organized by: Prof. Jian-Hua Jiang and Prof. Xiao Hu
Session Title: Progresses in the Study of Topological Waves

Sajeev John
University of Toronto, Canada
Paper Title: Photonic Crystal Solar Cells: Toward Thermodynamic Power Conversion Efficiency
Organized by: Prof. I. C. Khoo
Focus Session Title: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Applications

Satoshi Kawata
Osaka University, Japan
Paper Title: Plasmonic Nano-imaging of Intracellular Dynamics and Molecular Distribution in a Living Cell
Organized by: Prof. Yihui Wu and Prof. Nantan T. Shaked
Focus Session Title: Advanced Optical Sensing and Imaging for Label-free Biodetection

Raj Mittra
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Paper Title: TBD
Organized by: Andrey V. Osipov and Kazuya Kobayashi
Focus Session Title: Kohei Hongo Memorial Session

Mikhail A. Noginov
Norfolk State University, US
Paper title: Miniature Lasers: Spasers and Beyond
Organized by: Prof. Ren-Min Ma and Prof. Qing Zhang
Focus Session Title: Advances in Nanolasers

Franco Nori
RIKEN, Japan & University of Michigan, USA
Paper Title:Dynamical Casimir Effect in Optomechanical Systems: Vacuum Casimir-Rabi Splittings
Organized by: Prof. Mauro Antezza and Prof. Brahim Guizal
Focus Session Title: Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer

Maki Suemitsu
Tohoku University, Japan
Paper Title: A Brief History of Growth of High Quality Graphene on 3C-SiC/Si via Thermal Decomposition Method
Organized by: Prof. Taiichi Otsuji
Focus Session Title: Emerging Electromagnetic Functionalization of Graphene and 2D Materials for Terahertz Device Applications

Frank K. Tittel
Rice University, USA
Paper Title:
Mid-infrared Laser Based Trace Gas Sensor Technologies: Recent Advances and Applications
Organized by: Prof. Wei Dong Chen and Prof. Vincenzo Spagnolo
Focus Session Title:
Advanced Photonic Technologies for Spectroscopic Applications: devoted to Prof. Frank K. Tittel

Leung Tsang
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Paper Title: Green's Functions in Waveguides and Periodic Structures
Organized by: Prof. Qing Huo Liu
Focus Session Title: Multiscale and Multiphysics Computation and Applications

Zheng You
Tsinghua University, China
Paper Title: Microfluidic Flow Cytometer with Spark-generated Microbubble Cell Sorter
Organized by: Prof. Yihui Wu and Prof. Nantan T. Shaked
Focus Session Title: Advanced Optical Sensing and Imaging for Label-free Biodetection

Shuang Zhang
University of Birmingham, UK
Paper title 1: Spin Orbital Coupling of Light with 2D and 3D Metamaterials
Organized by: Prof. Jianwen Dong and Prof. Ren-Min Ma
Focus session title: Topology and PT symmetry based optical devices

Paper title 2: Transitional Weyl and Dirac Points in Photonics
Organized by: Prof. Jian-Hua Jiang and Prof. Xiao Hu
Session Title: Progresses in the Study of Topological Waves

Dapeng Zhao
Tohoku University, Japan
Paper Title: Multiscale Seismic Tomography of the Earth and Moon
Organized by: Prof. Qing Huo Liu
Focus Session Title: Multiscale and Multiphysics Computation and Applications

Nicholay Zheludev
Southampton University, USA
Paper Title: The Physics and Applications of Coherent Control of Metasurfaces
Organized by: Prof. I. C. Khoo
Focus Session Title: Novel Photonic Materials for Advanced Application

Jianying Zhou
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Paper title: Optical Nanoscopy: Truly Non-intrusive
Organized by: Prof. Jin Liu, and Prof. Juntao Li
Focus Session Title: Advanced Nano/Quantum Photonic Technologies

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